Before Pics  


full living room & hallway shot
full living room & hallway shot
Viewed: 2381 times.

backyard MLS photo
backyard MLS photo
Viewed: 1824 times.

full backyard MLS photo
full backyard MLS photo
Viewed: 1415 times.

front MLS photo
front MLS photo
Viewed: 2626 times.

left side of covered patio, with the morning glories in full bloom
left side of covered patio, with the morning glories in full bloom
Viewed: 1813 times.

Viewed: 1899 times.

phone nook in hallway
phone nook in hallway
Viewed: 2424 times.

fixture in back bedroom
fixture in back bedroom
Viewed: 1848 times.

fixture in front bedroom
fixture in front bedroom
Viewed: 1889 times.

over sink window view
over sink window view
Viewed: 1932 times.

back bedroom window view
back bedroom window view
Viewed: 1908 times.

bathroom cabinet
bathroom cabinet
Viewed: 1790 times.

dining room
dining room
Viewed: 2301 times.

fireplace open
fireplace open
Viewed: 1813 times.

half-shelves inside kitchen cupboards
half-shelves inside kitchen cupboards
Viewed: 1694 times.

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