Month Thirty-one 
Picking out my favorite...
Picking out my favorite...
Viewed: 1513 times.

Hmm, this is a rough decision
Hmm, this is a rough decision
Viewed: 1590 times.

I think I like this one the best!
I think I like this one the best!
Viewed: 1514 times.

Isn't it beautiful?
Isn't it beautiful?
Viewed: 1600 times.

Easter eggs
Easter eggs
Viewed: 1704 times.

Tea-time with Atilla
Tea-time with Atilla
Viewed: 1741 times.

Playing out in the yard
Playing out in the yard
Viewed: 1633 times.

Watching the snow fall
Watching the snow fall
Viewed: 1673 times.

Giving the snowman a mohawk
Giving the snowman a mohawk
Viewed: 1792 times.

You're such a nice snowman!
You're such a nice snowman!
Viewed: 1809 times.

Cute stuff
Cute stuff
Viewed: 2350 times.

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