Month Thirty-one 

April 2006

baby toes
baby toes
Viewed: 2402 times.

Starlets on the beach
Starlets on the beach
Viewed: 2104 times.

Too cool
Too cool
Viewed: 1892 times.

I love my new bike!
I love my new bike!
Viewed: 1875 times.

When did she get so grown-up?!
When did she get so grown-up?!
Viewed: 2216 times.

Annabel loves the beach!
Annabel loves the beach!
Viewed: 1916 times.

Playing in the sand
Playing in the sand
Viewed: 1826 times.

off-center but cute :)
off-center but cute :)
Viewed: 1887 times.

Building a bubble tower
Building a bubble tower
Viewed: 1887 times.

This bubble cow is great!
This bubble cow is great!
Viewed: 1908 times.

Viewed: 1885 times.

Playing with Uncle Fer & Aunt Jes
Playing with Uncle Fer & Aunt Jes
Viewed: 1939 times.

Aunt Jessika
Aunt Jessika
Viewed: 1890 times.

filling the bucket up
filling the bucket up
Viewed: 1865 times.

I love playing in the sand!
I love playing in the sand!
Viewed: 1957 times.

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